Ethnobotany and Herbal Medicine: Some Local Plants with Anticancer Activity
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Cancer is the second foremost cause of death worldwide since few year back. There is a steady require for new therapies to treat and prevent this life-threatening disease. The scientific and research interest is drawing its attention towards naturally derived compound as they consider to have less toxic side effects than modern treatment strategies like chemotherapy. The plant kingdom produces naturally happening secondary metabolites which were being investigated for their anticancer activities most important to the design and development of new clinical drugs. The present study revealed the anticancer activities of some most common plants like Cedrus deodara, Catharanthus roseus, Piper longum, Vitex negundo, Curcuma longa, Picrorhiza kurroa, Berberis aristata, Datura stramonium, Cannabis sativa, Ocimum sanctum and Azadirachta indica. The C. roseus be full of vinblastin which is use to cure lung, breast, head and neck cancer; and vincristine employed to treat acute leukemia. The anti-proliferative potential of hydro-alcoholic extract of C. deodara is helpful to cure oral, lung, breast, bladder, colon, cervix, and prostate cancer etc. The cannabinoids present in the Cannabis is used to treat the cancer also. The active intergradient in turmeric is curcumin or diferuloyl methane, which showed the anticancer potential on cancer cell lines.