Phytochemical Analysis, Qualitative Analysis Secondary Metabolites of Cymbopogan citratus (Lemon Grass)
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Medicinal plants play very important role in human life from ancient time. Aphytochemical study of medicinal plants helps in identifying primary andsecondary metabolites present in plants. Aim of my study helps to analysephytochemical nature of lemon grass (Cymbopogan citratus).Screening ofphytochemicals is one of the perfect way in the detection of bioactive componentspresent in any medicinal plant. It is one of the main discovery in medical sciencesScreening of the plants were performed using qualitative methods and helps inthe detection secondary metabolites such as tannins, flavonoids, phenolics,saponins, steroids, cardiac glycosides and alkaloids.. The presence of thesephytochemicals and secondary metabolites in plants increase their medicinal value