Physiochemical Analysis of Sewage Fed Water in Gandak River in Vaishali District near Hajipur and its Impact on Biodiversity

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Jyoti G. and Kumar V


The Gandak River, also known as the Narayani and Gandak, is alarge river in Nepal and a left-bank tributary to the Ganga in India.Hajipur is located in west central Bihar, northeastern India. It islocated on the Gandak River, just north of the confluence of theGanges. The city is located on the northern Bihar Plains, which is aresection of the Middle Ganga Plain. The Gandak River has a totaldrainage basin area of 29750 sq km. During the investigation, theresearcher tried to find out the Physiochemical Analysis of wateracross three years. Four sampling sites were selected located at thebank of Gandak River at Hajipur, Vaishali, Bihar. The study wascarried out for a period of three season and total 10 samples were doneduring this period. Results revealed that in inlet PH varied from 7.1 0to 8.70 in outlet 6.02 to 8.1, total solid inlet varied from 752 mg/l to898 mg/l and in outlet from 508 mg/l to 739 mg/l. The total hardnessin inlet was found between 211mg/l to 244 mg/l and in outlet from179 mg/l to 209 mg/l. Cholride in inlet varied from 96.4 mg/l to 112.8mg/l and in outlet 44.3 mg/l to 56.1mg/l, alkalinity values in inletwas found between 178 mg/l to 210 mg/l and in outlet from 153 mg/lto 204 mg/. Dissolved oxygen in inlet was found between 0.69 mg/l to1.95 mg/l and in outlet from 4.04 mg/l to 6.20 mg/l. Biochemicaloxygen demand in inlet ranges from 91 mg/l to 130 mg/l and inoutlet from 4.2 mg/l to8.6mg/l, Chemical oxygen demand in inletranges from 230 mg/l to 251 mg/l and in outlet from 16 mg/l to 31mg/l. This study showed that the Gandak river water is in goodcondition

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