New Methods and Products to Protect Agricultural Products from Birds: Aromatic Bird Repellents

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Hasan Özçelik*, Yahya Varol and Ceren Öztürk


Isparta province is located in the Lakes Region and is placed on themigration routes of birds. Bird population in the region is richer inApril-June. One of important problems of agriculture in Ispartavilayet is that birds damage agricultural products during harvestperiod of vegetables and fruits. Birds eat very little of agriculturalproducts, mostly by pecking or leaving their droppings, causing theproduct to deteriorate and thus causing economic losses. They cometo plants not only to eat agricultural products; also huntinvertebrates (flies, ants, bees, beetles) and eat larvae, caterpillars,fruit worms etc. These invertebrates also damage both the plants andtheir products. Both birds and these invertebrates become infectedthrough wounds that occur when they eat the products, so even if thefruit is not completely eaten, it falls off before it is fully ripe and hasno economic value. Carnivorous birds too damage to agriculturalproducts. They come mostly in the early morning hours and to adult-sweet fruits. In sour cherry and cherry trees, comes to their fruits themost. It has been determined that magpies damage corn, crowsdamage walnuts, all bird species damage grapes, and sparrow groupdamages grains. They do not prefer medicated agricultural products.They do not come across contaminated environments. They generallydo not like or are afraid of shiny objects, black and red colors, suddenand loud noises, and animals that hunt them such as hawks, eagles,and dogs. This situation should be taken into consideration in orderto protect agricultural products from birds. The article focuses ontwo topics:a) Repelling animals that will be prey for birds (flies, insects, ants,bees etc.) from the plants with scent of various aromatic plants andeliminating purpose of birds coming to plant,b)The other is to protect areas where agricultural plants and productsare located with aromatic plant scents and disturb or scare birds awayfrom the plant/products…

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