Phytochemical Composition, Nutritional Content and Mineral Bioavailability in Dry Leaf of Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott
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Consumption of local vegetables is common in Africa and moreimportantly among the local populace in Nigeria. These vegetables arecharacterized by high nutritional values and therapeutic properties.This present study was done to assess active phytochemical andnutritional content of the dry red cocoyam leaves collected from alocation in Ekiti State, Nigeria using standard procedures. Themineral bioavailability was predicted using antinutrient mineralmolar ratios. The proximate result revealed the following: moisturecontent (6.36%), ash (7.98%), crude fat (0.71%), crude protein(8.16%), crude fiber (1.74%), and available carbohydrate (75.06%).The dry leaf contained saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols andterpenoids which are important active secondary metabolites. Mineralcontent investigation revealed that the plant contained some vitalelements like K, Na, P, Ca, and Mg, which occurred in highproportion, Fe and Zn in moderate proportion, while Cu and Zncontents were low. Phytate, oxalate and cyanide levels were also low,while the calculated Phytate/Zn, Phytate/Ca and Oxalate/Ca were notup to the threshold levels hence, will not inhibit absorption andbioavailability of Zn and Ca in the sample. This plant as a vegetable ischeap, can be sourced locally as cocoyam waste. It was found to benutritionally rich in protein, mineral, low crude fat with variousgroups of phytochemicals in the leaf. All these could make it good forthe body’s health and development. The low antinutrient discoveredin this sample makes it safe for human consumption. Its consumptioncan help in food security in Nigeria especially now that there is dearthof protein rich foods among low income earners.