Quantum Conductance within Luttinger Liquid from Parity Inversion and Time Rversal Symmetryic Interaction
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The quantized conductance was produced due to dissipation within the Luttinger liquid from the parity inversion and time reversal symmetric interaction. For unitary time with Hermitian Luttinger liquid Hamiltonian and produced nonequilibrium conductivity and was renormalized due to interaction. We have studied the nonequilibrium dynamics and transport of parity inversion symmetric Luttinger liquid and the model was quenched from domain wall. The study was extended to initial ground state of a Hermitian interacting Luttinger liquid. We have used the model using the time evolving block decimation and have found the conductance inside the light core and depended on post-quench Hamiltonian and was quantized when the system was quenched to the non Hermitian Hamiltonian. The conductance was found when the system was quenched from an interacting initial state and showed that the initial state had no effect on conductance. The strength of the initial or final interactions in the case of Hermitian dynamics showed the quenched displayed a conductance that remained universal.