Effects of Rainfall Factor on Hydrogeological System Recharge in Bangar Environs: A Middle Part of India

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Mohammad Rizwan, Vinita Kulshreshtha, Pramendra Dev


Rainfall is one of the vital hydrometrological factors that govern the phenomena ofgroundwater system recharge. The results of rainfall data analysis of Bangar area ofDewas district located in Madhya Pradesh, India, and their environmental effects ongroundwater system have been in corporate here in this paper. Rainfall phenomenareflect environmental scenario particularly climate change the data are subjected toseveral techniques of analysis. The years revealing more than the average annual rainfallvalues indicate positive recharge trend. The years reflecting less than the average valueindicate negative trend of recharge to groundwater system. Cumulative departureexhibit positive and negative trends and the determination of moving rainfall averageprovide a picture of cycle variation of rainfall trend. Rainfall departure trend indicateshigher values which reflect positive trend of recharge. Mathematical analysis indicateboth positive and negative trend of groundwater recharge. Statistical analysis rainfalldata have been determined value of mean, median, mode and the co-efficient standarddeviation, co-efficient of dispersion, co-efficient of variation and co-efficient of skewness.The statistical data prove the validity of rainfall data. Environmental effects of rainfallfactor have been discussed. It is suggests that implementation of a rainfall augmentationsachem would provide appropriate rainfall recharge to the groundwater system and itwould also resolve the water crises problem

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