Assessment of Rainfall in Monsoon Season 2023: A Case Study of Maharashtra State

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Golekar R.B. and Diwate P.


The monsoon season plays a crucial role in the landscape of Maharashtra, India, affecting crop yields, water resources, and livelihoods. This research paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the rainfall patterns during the critical monsoon season of 2023 in Maharashtra, with a specific focus to determine the meteorological drought or not. Using historical rainfall data, satellite imagery, and agricultural statistics, we examine the spatio-temporal distribution of rainfall, its impact on crop production, and the meteorological indicators of drought stress. El Nino and La Nina are the warm and cool phases, respectively, of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation, a recurrent temperature trend throughout the tropical Pacific Ocean. This year, La Nina's three-year control came to an end, and El Nino made his appearance known. "The lack of favorable intra-seasonal weather patterns that increase monsoon rainfall (rainfall in July 2023) and the developing El Nino have a clear impact on this. Our findings reveal a complex inter-play of meteorological and agricultural factors, suggesting that the drought conditions experienced in the 2023 monsoon season in Maharashtra are influenced by a combination of meteorological deficits and agricultural practices. This research contributes to a better understanding of the complex nature of drought in agricultural regions, providing insights for more effective drought mitigation and resource allocation strategies.

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