Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifer from Ratnagiri Area of India and Its Impact on Quality of Irrigation Water

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Golekar R.B., Dakve S.M., Kurdhundkar S.S., Nivate S.S.


An attempt has been made in this work to determine the groundwater quality in parts of Guhagar area of Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra. A total 25 groundwater samples were collected from dug and bore wells, during the winter season (January, 2023) and analyzed its physicochemical parameters like pH, EC and TDS, in order to understand the hydro-geochemistry of the water. Suitability of this water for its utility was verified using Indian standards. The analytical results of the groundwater samples showed that the average value of pH is 6.60 and average value of EC is 431.1 μS/cm while average values of TDS is 215.1 mg/L. The effect of sea water on the fresh water aquifer in this coastal region needs special attention in terms of monitoring and sustainable management. Besides, suitability of water for irrigation is evaluated based on this physicochemical parameter. Also, the suitable crop cultivation is recommended on the basis of quality of irrigation water.

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