Perceptions of Teacher Education Students in Kerala about Information Literacy Skills: An assessment

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Cherian K George, Dr. Chandrashekara M


Information literacy skills are essential for individuals to be life-long learners and to be the catalysts of information societies. The review of literature shows that there is a dearth of studies on assessment of information literacy (IL) skills of teacher education students, particularly in India. Assessments of both perceptions of teacher educations students about their IL competencies and their actual level of IL skills were made in many western countries either using standardised tools or locally developed tools. The present study is intended to address the gap in literature in the area of perceptions of student-teachers in Kerala about their IL competencies. A survey was conducted among the students of teacher education institutions (TEIs) in government, government aided and unaided sectors. Sample was selected from students specialising in Languages, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Physical Sciences and Social Sciences across Kerala. The questionnaire for the purpose was adapted from previously tested ones following ACRL Standards, and adapted to make it appropriate for the Indian context.  Analysis of 772 responses revealed that teacher education students in Kerala have high level of perceptions about their IL competencies. Previous investigations reported that when assessments are made, usually students over-estimate or under-estimate their IL self-efficacies. Therefore, it is recommended that another study to be conducted to assess the actual IL skills of these students.

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