Integrating Augmented Reality in Academic Libraries: Trends and Opportunities

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Megha Sanket Kulkarni, Shambhu Kumar Singh, Kanchan Rahul Jamnik, Swati Pandurang Baviskar, Rohit Krishna Murti, Preeti Sharma


Incorporating augmented reality in college libraries is an innovatively emerging trend that could change how things are done. This research will assess the recent trends and opportunities that have evolved with AR technology for university libraries. Augmented reality enhances reality with digital information to bring new ways of engaging people with information and finding information more easily. In the same tradition, academic libraries have been classified as information services that utilize AR for the enrichment of learning spaces to make them interactive and responsive and meet a wide variety of educational needs. The recent trends are increased usage of AR for different library assignments that include library trips, interactive, improved searching systems of the information, and book displays. Enhancing the experience of the user and helping them learn the usage of technology is the foremost aspect of developing these applications. AR technology also enables one to create more understandable virtual models and games and add more teaching tools that students and scholars can use. There are several things that AR can do in college libraries: from finding facilities within the library to the provision of interactive learning resources that are accessible on mobile devices. Many challenges are also there in the effective implementation of AR in college libraries. For instance, it will require significant funds to purchase the necessary equipment and technology and to train library staff. Privacy issues also have to be dealt with when using data. Even though these problems exist, the potential for AR to enhance the usefulness and attractiveness of university libraries is vast. Academic libraries can remain at the technology's forefront since adopting AR. This will help them accommodate the demands of new users and change helpful in the digital age. This essay strongly points to the fact that all stakeholders are expected to put their efforts together and to strategically plan toward the realization of the successful implementation of AR at academic library service to result in an engaging, lively, and helpful learning environment.

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