An Analysis Of The Effects Of Traditional And Remote Work Settings On Employee Performance And Organizational Productivity

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Pan Rui ,Amiya Bhaumik, Archita Chakraborty


Remote work compares to traditional office environments in terms of organizational efficiency and employee performance is the goal of this study. Thanks to digital communication technologies and flexible work arrangements, employees have more influence over their work schedules and locations when they operate remotely. Employees' well-being is enhanced since they are more likely to like their work and face less stress. Since they do not need to spend time traveling every day, persons who work remotely may be able to achieve a better work-life balance. Workers have more time to devote to their jobs or their hobbies as a result. Some people are still concerned about the potential drawbacks of working remotely. Problems including lower team cohesion, communication breakdowns, and isolation may arise in faraway places, and they can have a detrimental effect on collaborative efforts and organizational culture. In remote work contexts, there is no direct supervision, which may lead to questions about accountability and performance assessment. This study analyzes and contrasts these features to provide a comprehensive evaluation, using data from both traditional office employment as well as remote work. Organizational procedures and approaches for implementing remote work should be informed by the results of performance and productivity assessments and comparisons across diverse contexts. Metrics such as task completion rates, project milestones, organizational key performance indicators (KPIs), as well as employee engagement surveys are utilized. Suggestions are made to improve performance while reducing potential issues associated with remote work arrangements.

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