Mechanism For Decreasing Post-Purchase Dissonance for The Personal Product Category in The E-Commerce Business: With Special Reference to West Bengal

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Sumit Chatterjee , Dr. Moumita Dey


This paper has explored different strategies that are helpful in reducing the post-purchase dissonance in the e-commerce industry. This also focused on the personal product category in West Bengal, India. Post-purchase dissonance is commonly explained as regret or dissatisfaction after purchasing a product. This has a negative impact on the aspect of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and long-term profitability. Through a proper review of existing literature, the study has identified important factors that contribute to buyer's remorse. This also includes trust issues, social influence, impulsive buying along customer service gaps. The findings suggested that e-commerce platforms hold the capability to mitigate dissonance as they improve product transparency. In addition to that, there is optimization of customer support, and personalizing post-purchase engagement. These tailored approaches addressed the cultural and regional consumer dynamics. However, it also supports the consumer retention factor. The paper concluded with recommendations for e-commerce platforms to efficiently manage post-purchase dissonance and strengthen customer loyalty within competitive markets.

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