South Korean Regional Economic Management Policy

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Kholov A.Kh , Kholov A.Kh, Ummatkulov T.U, Ayakulov N.A, Isanturdiyev S.Yu, Karshiboyev S.Sh


Abstract: The second world war, which will remain an indelible mark in the history of mankind, has left many countries dry. Of course, the consequences of the war are still affecting some countries. But after the Second World War, only most of the countries were able to restore their economy. Among these countries, the country of South Korea, which is distinguished by its geographical location and history, has a special place. Because in the 50s of the 20th century, the country, which was destroyed by war, poverty reigned, and whose per capita population was lower than the countries of South America and Africa, achieved unprecedented economic development and legendary growth. South Korea, which turned from a backward country into a giant in the 1980s, has become the world's most advanced innovative country in the 21st century.

This article describes South Korea's path to the 10th place among the most innovative countries in the 2024 Global Innovation Index.

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