Use Of Voice Assistants By The Students In Engineering Educational Institutions In Karnataka: An Exploratory Study

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Dr. Gururaj S. Hadagali, Ms. Rachana D. Shivalli, Dr. Gouri N. Gourikeremath


The current study investigates the use of voice assistants among Karnataka engineering students. In order to get data from the respondents, the study used a questionnaire and survey method. The total population of the UG students of the six institutions was 13,388. Random Sampling Technique was used to distribute the questionnaires. A total of 374 questionnaires were distributed to UG students and out of which 366 questionnaires were received back with a response rate of 97.86 %. The results of the study include: 218 (71.47 %) respondents used Ok Google, whereas, 48 (15.74 %) respondents used Hi, Bixby of Samsung; 212 (57.92%) respondents used Voice Assistants for playing music, listening to their favorite songs, followed by 181 (49.45%) respondents used Voice Assistants for locating direction; 232 (76.07%) respondents used these Voice Assistants because of quick response, whereas, 154 (50.49%) respondents used because of its accurate search and 204 (66.89%) respondents faced errors in speech understanding, because Voice Assistants take time to get accustomed with the frequency and accent of the user.

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