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Introduction: Childhood behavioural disorders like ADHD,CD and ODD not only impacted their development it has an impact on the primary caregivers. Parenting style, coping skill training and caregivers’ skill training is the focus of discussion in recent era of research. Quality of life of the parent is jeopardized. Life skill interventions enable the individual to deal the day to day demands and have thought to be able to change the health related quality of life of the caregivers as well as family functioning.
Aims: This study is aimed at evaluation the impact of life skill training on parent’s quality of life.
Materials and method: A single blinded randomized controlled trial conducted in the year 2022 to 2023. Outcome variable is measured at baseline, immediately, after 12 weeks and after 16 weeks of intervention respectively. Experimental and control group consisted of 60 parents in each among 120 participants using systematic random sampling technique. Life skill training intervention administered in 4 sessions with two weeks interval.
Result: Majority of the caregivers were female in both the group. Association of age in years with group was not statistically significant (p=0.345). Mean (± SD) quality of life of the caregivers in experimental group was 63.42 (± 3.156 ) and in control group was 62.29 (±5.227), median quality of life of experimental group was 63.194 and control group was 62.5 before LST intervention. Mann-Whitney U test shows that no significant differences found between quality of life (.240), and it’s respective domains like health related quality of life (.071), Family functioning (.521); significant difference ( 0.0467 ) found in communication domain of the caregivers at baseline. Mann Whitney U Test shows that difference of quality of life between experimental group and control group is significant at 0.05 level of significance immediately after intervention (2.500); (0.500) and (0.500) in three time period. Health related quality of life and family functioning domain of the quality of life is significantly differ within experimental group at <0.001 level of significance.
Discussion: This study shows that selective domains of life skill training results in improving quality of life of the caregivers attending child guidance clinic in different domains like health related quality of life and family functioning along with standard care protocol. The researcher recommended repetition of similar study and outcome assessment for longer period. Life skill training help the caregivers to take care of the children at home and maintain good mental health reduced precipitation of the disorder.