The Role Of Porter's Cost Leadership Strategy In Enhancing Sustainable Competitive Advantage Through Value Engineering Technology

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muhaned mohamed duhan al-Qaisi,Thaer Sabry Mahmoud Al-Ghaban


The research aims to apply value engineering techniques and their reflection on Porter's strategies for leading competitive cost and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. This will help solve the research problem represented by the high costs of lead-acid liquid batteries produced at the General Company for Automotive and Equipment Manufacturing - Battery Factory - Bulbul 2 Plant, in addition to the increase in environmental pollutants that affect the health of workers. This is due to the company's failure to keep up with rapid developments and the lack of use of cost management techniques and modern manufacturing methods, which has led to an inability to compete in the markets. Value engineering techniques work by using several methods, such as replacing environmentally unfriendly materials with environmentally friendly ones at a lower cost, in addition to improving product quality.

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