Library Use Instruction: The Outcome-based Education Approach

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Onohwakpor E. Josephine, Chukwusa Joseph*


It is generally agreed that the university library serves as the hub or focal point of the institution's teaching, learning, and research activities. It offers resources for information. It offers resources for knowledge to meet students’ information needs. Between two groups of students, there can be a significant difference if the university library is properly explored, exploited, and used. Because of this, it is deemed crucial to teach newly admitted students how to use the library, and as a result, Nigerian institutions have made this official, examinable, credit-earning teaching essential. Despite the library's education programme, students' attitudes at higher education institution libraries often give the impression that they are still unsure of how to use the facility's resources. It is well known that many students rely more on their lecture notes than they do on really exploring, taking advantage of, and using the library's resources. This vision is what this review is all about- the introduction of the concept Outcome-Based Education (OBE).

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