Bibliometric Analysis of Literature on Information Anxiety, Library Anxiety, and Technology Anxiety

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Dr. Satwinderpal Kaur Gill, Dr. Jatinder Singh Gill


The present paper examines the availability of literature on Information anxiety, Library anxiety, and Technology anxiety based on data extracted from the Web of Science database. The paper examines the growth of literature on the selected topic up to 2021 as indexed in the Web of Science database, measures country-wise contribution and author-wise contribution. First publication on the selected topic was recorded for the year 1990 in Web of Science database. USA has largest share of publications on the topic. Maximum number of contributions and maximum citations are noted for the year 2022. University of Malaya is top contributing institution. Onwuegbuzie is top contributing author. VOSviewer based collaborative network visualization map of journals as well as of authors are given. As per our knowledge, this study is first to explore literature output on Library Anxiety, Information Anxiety and Technology anxiety in English language. This paper will also encourage Indian authors to write on the topic as the study has found only five contributions from India in the Web of Science database.  The study is useful for Researchers and faculty in the field of Library and Information Science as well as of Information Communication Technology. Bibliometric studies contribute towards knowledge management.

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